
On Farm Trials (OFT) :

An On-Farm Trial aims at testing a new technology or an idea in farmer’s fields, under farmers’ conditions and management, by using farmer’s own practice as control. The programme aims at testing new technologies developed at research stations in the field of crop husbandry, horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries etc. to ensure their suitability and sustainability to the specific locations and to suggest or modify or refine the technology accordingly. This is done by testing a released technology under the real farm situations with the participation of farmers. The real problems by the farmers in the adoption of new technologies are also fed back to the research centres. KVK meets the cost of critical inputs of the programmes. The KVK Uttarkashi conducted OFT from 2005 to 2014 on various aspects of agriculture.

Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) :

Frontline Demonstration is the concept of field demonstration evolved by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research during mid- eighties. Oorganizing Front Line Demonstrations on newly released technologies in horticulture, field crops, animal sciences under farmers’ field conditions to generate production data and feedback information is one of the mandates of this Kendra.The field demonstrations conducted under the close supervision of scientists of the National Agriculture Research System is called front-line demonstrations because the technologies are demonstrated for the first time by the scientists themselves before being fed into the main extension system of the State Department of Agriculture.

Trainings :

The KVK is imparting regular training programmes of various durations in agriculture and allied fields for the farmers, farm women and rural youth. There are two types of training programmes: Regular training programmes for which training topics and dates are fixed by the Kendra. The second type of training programmes is organized to meet the specific demands from individual farmer, farmers groups, voluntary organizations, development departments, etc.

RAWE Traiing for B. Sc Students :

Farmers’ Exposure Visit :

KVK Uttarkashi regularly organises exposure visits for the farmers of the districts. Farmers’ were taken to various farmers’ fairs organized at ICAR-VPKAS, Almora; GBPUA&T, Pantnagar; KVK Chinyalisaur, Uttarkashi for updating their knowledge and awareness.

Organization of Field Days :

Field days on various crops in each season are conducted by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Uttarkashi. Farmers along with the officials from line departments as well as the local leaders took part in the programme and motivate the farmers about the knowhow of the crops to get more benefit.